Want to know how to brew compost tea? You've come to the right place!
Why do we brew compost tea? We want to grow nutritious vegetables and fruit that are loaded with necessary trace minerals.
First, gather your equipment
learning how to brew compost tea, you must start
with the right water. If you are using city
water, you need to get rid of the chlorine in
the water before beginning, as chlorine will
kill beneficial microbes in your tea.
Fortunately, chlorine is a gas, and will wick off if you just let the water sit open to the air for 24 hours.
The other option is to run your bubbler for an
hour before adding anything to the water.
Whichever compost tea recipe you choose, you
will need between 1/2 to 1 gallon of compost for
4 gallons of water.
When you make
yourself a cup of tea, you can either use a tea
bag, or put the tea leaves directly into the
water. The same is true with compost tea.
add a tablespoon of unsulfured molasses per
gallon of tea.
The molasses are a food for bacteria, and will speed up the microbial activity.
To make compost
tea, you want to provide the microbes in the tea
with a friendly environment.
If the temperature of the water is below 65 degrees F., they are too cold, and won’t feel like eating. If the temperature is above 75 degrees, they get too hot.
Your job is to make them happy, by providing a temperature in the high 60’s to the low 70’s. I bought this small aquarium thermometer with hanger at Walmart for $1.63.
To get the temperature right, in the summer time I just put your tea under the back porch, out of the sun. In the summer it is in the 80's during the day and 60's at night, so the water temperature stays perfect.
I check the temperature from time to time just to make sure it is ok.
Although the bacteria in your tea may be ready in 24 hours, other beneficial microorganisms are not. I recommend that you brew your tea for 3 days.
Actually, as long as you provide food and water, you can brew your tea for much longer periods. But three days is generally about perfect.
By day two you should see a "head" of froth, formed by the bacterial activity in the tea.
you finish brewing compost tea, it is teeming
with microbial life. To take full advantage of
this, use your tea within 2 hours.
If for some reason you can’t, add in more molasses and turn the bubbler back on. Without food and oxygen, the beneficial microbes will go dormant or die.
Thank you for
reading this article on how to brew compost tea.
Please click
here for
information on applying compost tea.
For the best compost tea, be sure and add in a teaspoon per gallon of concentrated sea minerals.
A great alternative to compost tea is a good soil conditioner.
Before you leave my site, why not check out my home page, Healthy Vegetable Gardening. Happy gardening!
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