Tight soil
Anaerobic bacterial activity
No earthworms
Reduced plant growth
Treated Field
Flocculated soil
Aerobic bacterial activity
Abundance of earthworms
Increased plant growth
The treated field yielded a ton more per acre than the untreated field
The treated field had no Soil Balance with no other fertilizer
The untreated had 60# dry N and 20 lbs. (100 lbs. 0-20-0) Phosphorus
Santa Anita Raceway bought the treated, but refused to buy the untreated because the horses wouldn’t touch it
In the treated, there were a lot of earth worms within a month
after application
Testimonial: “After treating half my pasture with Soil Balance in the fall, I noticed a few months later the cattle were crossing the belly high grass on the untreated part of the pasture to get to the pond. They then returned to the treated portion to continue grazing on the treated grass (which by then was down to the nubs) without stopping to eat the high untreated grass while passing through it to get back to the treated side.”
This customer called to see why this was happening. At first
he didn't remember that the location the cattle favored was the part
of the field that he had treated with Soil Balance.
The difference between flocculated soil (left) and compacted soil (right)
Soil Balance has many components, including fulvic acid, humates, fish, and all of the known essential micro and macro nutrients. There are several genera of aerobic bacteria, fungi, and soil organisms. All of them are native to a healthy soil. Molasses is used as a source of energy for the microorganisms.
When the product is applied to the soil, the microorganisms in it begin to multiply due to the aerobic bacteria and the nutrient rich environment they create. The microorganisms start the process of digesting and removing all of the harmful elements in the soil (chemicals & anaerobic bacteria), while also making the nutrients—micro and macro—available to plant life.
The soil must be at least 45 degrees Fahrenheit to multiply the bacteria. The bacteria have been recorded to increase by 10^23 in a 48 hour time period.
This process flocculates the soil (separates the soil particles, allowing space for air and water). This airspace is essential for creating a balance of air, water and soil. Without the space, the soil can only be either oversaturated or dried out. Such a situation is detrimental because it results in stoppage of the root growth, restricting the growth of the plant above ground.
Can you see the crumbly nature in the picture above of the soil on the left? Ultimately, our product enables soil to become the ideal environment for plant life.
the left
the right
Which soil would you prefer?
Here is another picture that shows how effectively Soil Balance helps to remediate salt in the soil.
A single application made the difference in the left and right sides of the field.