nutrient dense grass



Application Guidelines


MyCorrPlus A (GPB-A) is for soil applications only. Its strength lies in its ability to transform microbial life in the soil, flocculate and condition the soil, and help to stimulate the plant to sequester liquid carbon (sugars) into the soil. GPB-C is for foliar applications. For best results, apply a full 40 oz. GPB-A before considering GPB-C.

GPB-A needs a small amount of rain or irrigation water to get it into the soil to start working. If the soil doesn’t have good moisture, an additional inch or more of moisture is needed to activate it.


A tank mix of at least 20 gallons per acre is best. This helps to move it down out of the sun’s reach, whether sprayed on heavy foliage or the bare ground. However, a tank mix of 10 gallons per acre or less or 3 gal./acre using a plane is also ok if within a couple of days GPB has some moisture to carry it into the soil. Another option is to till in MyCorrPlus A. One to two inches works best, but up to 4 inches depth is ok.

As soon as your product arrives, please 
crack open the lid to allow it to vent, 
thereby preventing a build-up of pressure.

Do not store in direct sunlight.

MyCorrPlus may be applied Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter

  • An early or late spring application can help improve that year’s crop. Apply ASAP to get it working. If an early herbicide application is needed, apply that first, then follow up a week or more later with GPB-A.

  • A summer application can raise nutrients in the plant and can really get things rolling in the soil. When applied in the summer, try to apply after any chemical applications, not before them. MyCorrPlus helps to restore balance once chemical applications are made.

  • A fall application will allow MyCorrPlus A to improve the soil throughout the fall and early spring. For the average farmer, this may be the best time to apply it.

  • A winter application may be more convenient for some farmers, and works well. The important thing is that the soil is permeable so that moisture that comes can take it on into the ground.


How much MyCorrPlus can safely be applied

You needn’t be concerned about harming your soil by applying too much MyCorrPlus. Just make sure it is thinned down enough not to burn the leaves. To avoid burning the plant, don’t apply more than half a gallon per 20 gal./acre tank mix, unless after applying it GPB is washed off of leaves.

MyCorrPlus Application Rate Guidelines

MyCorrPlus A Soil Conditioner

($9.99 to $39.96 per acre when purchased by the bucket)

  • 10 ounces per acre is for organic ground where no chemical applications (NPK, herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, nematicides, etc.) have been made in the past 2 or 3 years.

  • 15 ounces per acre can be used where only light chemical applications have been made in the past number of years.

  • For most farms, a 20 ounce application is standard.

  • Where maximum impact is desired, apply up to 40 ounces per acre. Once activated by rain or irrigation, a heavier application gets things rolling in the soil quite quickly.

  • Working with herbicide applications
    - Wait 7 to 10 days after applying a pre-emergent fertilizer, then apply MyCorrPlus A.
    - Wait 3 to 4 days after spraying with a knock-down herbicide to apply GPB-A.

  • For increased yields on hay fields
    For non-organic operations, the best approach is to apply 20 GPB-A as early in the year as possible, then to apply an additional 10 oz./acre shortly after each cutting. This minimizes any disruptions brought on by chemical applications.

What is the best way to apply MyCorrPlus A?


  • For row crops, going in-the-row, on-the-seed or side-dressing at planting with 10 to 20 oz./acre is a highly effective application, and is more efficient than a broadcast application.

  • For everything other than row crops, use a broadcast or irrigation application. You will want to get it on as soon as possible, whether spring, summer, fall or winter, so it can get a jump start on it's work of optimizing the soil.

MyCorrPlus C Foliar Fertilizer

For rotational grazing, hay fields, row crops and higher dollar crops, one or more GPB-C foliar applications may be helpful
($16.65 to $25 per acre when purchased by the bucket)


  • Application rate: 1 to 1.5 quarts per acre.

  • GPB-C foliar is only recommended when you have accomplished all that you can with MyCorrPlus A (see above), but desire even greater results. Not only can one or more applications of MyCorrPlus C increase yields, but GPB-C may also help to increase protein, test weights and relative feed value.

    These foliar applications may be helpful to conventional farmers who want greater yields and want to minimize disruptions caused by chemical applications.

  • Apply a foliar application of 1 to 1.5 quarts per acre with a 10 gal./acre or more tank mix. It is best applied at the following times, depending on the crop:
    1. Two to four weeks post-emergence
    2. During flowering
    3. At the beginning stages of fruiting


The best time for making foliar applications is when the temperature is below 80 to 85 degrees. Above that temperature plant stomata close to conserve plant moisture.


More MyCorrPlus Application Info.


Applications methods


MyCorrPlus A is for a soil application only. Of course, it can be broadcast over plants, but it will not be activated until rain or irrigation water carries it down to the soil.


Applying GPB-A:

  • Broadcast it with a sprayer.

  • Through an irrigation system, preferably one that blankets the soil. This works quite well.

  • Through a drip line. MyCorrPlus will not clog up drip lines.

  • In-the-row, on-the-seed or side dressing is a highly effective way to apply GPB-A. It takes about half the product for the same great results. Apply 10 to 20 oz./acre.


Both GPB-A and C may be broadcast using spray equipment. They may also be applied by airplane, using a 3 to 4 gallon per acre tank mix. When putting GPB-A on with a plane, apply before a rain or water it in using irrigation.



Herbicides and MyCorrPlus


Herbicides do damage to soil life and balance. However, you can easily overcome this damage so that you still get wonderful results.


As mentioned above, if you are applying a pre-emergent herbicide, it is best to wait 7 to 10 days after the application, then apply MyCorrPlus A. This may be banded over the row at a rate of 10 to 20 oz./acre or broadcast at 10 to 40 oz./acre.


Why wait 7 to 10 days? MyCorrPlus will quickly break down the herbicide, so we want to give the herbicide the time it needs to work.


For knock-down herbicide applications (including glyphosates), apply the herbicide, then wait 3 or 4 days and apply a 10 oz. application of MyCorrPlus A to help restore soil balance.


Nitrogen applications

28% or 32% are the most compatible with GPB. It is the only nitrogen that may be applied together with MyCorrPlus. If another grade of nitrogen is applied, it is best to either apply the nitrogen first, or you can follow up after the N application a few weeks later with a 10 oz. application of GPB-A. This is to help restore optimum balance to the soil.

Many farmers want to see something work on a small scale before they will be ready to use it on a large scale. So why not pick out an area and give MyCorrPlus A a try?

Working with herbicide, pesticide or nematicide applications

MyCorrPlus needs a minimum of 1.1" of moisture to activate it. It is important not to apply another chemical until it has been activated, or the chemical may kill our micro-organisms. If a chemical application cannot be avoided before GPB is activated, wait 3 weeks after the chemical application, then apply 10 ounces of MyCorrPlus A to help undo the effect of the chemical.


MyCorrPlus is not compatible with most spray solutions

Nitrogen: Do not apply GPB with any Nitrogen, except for 28% or 32%. Put the MyCorrPlus in first, then add any water, and finally add the nitrogen. If another type of Nitrogen is used, wait 3 weeks after applying it and apply an additional 10 ounces of GPB-A.

If you would like to add any other item with MyCorrPlus into the tank mix, please contact us first before doing so. Other spray items may negatively affect the bacteria in MyCorrPlus, plus they can greatly reduce the ability of MyCorrPlus to help the soil. 


Crop application data

  • Pasture
    MyCorrPlus may be applied at spring, summer, fall or even in the winter, if the soil is permeable. Of course, the earlier in the growing season that it is applied, the more time it has to improve that year's crop.
    Fall and winter applications will help to prepare the soil for a wonderful growing season the following year.
  • Winter wheat
     For best results, apply MyCorrPlus in the fall right after planting. Spring applications will be less effective.
  • Spring wheat
    For best results, apply MyCorrPlus in the fall. It may also be applied shortly after planting (for sure before 3rd leaf).
  • Corn
    For best results, apply MyCorrPlus in the fall. It may also be applied before, at or right after planting (for sure before 5 leaf). In furrow or side-dressed is more efficient than a broadcast application.
    When using MyCorrPlus, we recommend 28% or 32%, as these are compatible with GPB. Once GPB has had a few months to work, it will flocculate the soil. Then our nitrogen fixing bacteria will convert nitrogen in the air into urea, and other microbes will make this available to the plant. Once this takes place, less nitrogen may be needed. To read an article that explains this, click here.

    For those who choose to apply nitrogen, for best results you should only use 28% or 32%. To apply your nitrogen with MyCorrPlus balance, put MyCorrPlus in the tank first, add whatever amount of water you are planning for the tank mix, then add the nitrogen. Since the nitrogen will be highly available, you may be able to reduce your nitrogen rate by 50%.

  • Alfalfa and grass hay
    For best results, apply MyCorrPlus in the fall. It may also be applied before or at green-up. The recommended application rate is 20 to 40 oz./acre. Once 40 ounces has been applied, some farmers may choose to boost yields even more with one or two applications of a quart of GPB-C as a foliar application 7 to 10 days after each cutting.


Instructions for applying to very dry ground

When the ground is super dry, it is best to try to apply GPB-A just before a rain, or to disk it in. When applying before a rain, use at least a 20 gal./acre tank mix (more is better) to supply enough water to carry MyCorrPlus A into the ground or far enough down into the foliage to get it out of direct sunlight. That way, even if you don't get the expected rain, MyCorrPlus will not be harmed as you wait for some rain to activate it.

MyCorrPlus A applications for areas smaller than an acre

One teaspoon of MyCorrPlus is perfect for 200 square feet. An ounce treats 1,000 square feet, and an 8 oz. bottle treats 8,000 square feet. A watering can or garden hose sprayer works well for this application.  

Foliar applications with MyCorrPlus Balance C
When using a pump up sprayer for foliar applications, add 1 tsp. of MyCorrPlus C per 1/2 gallon of water.

When applying MyCorrPlus C with a pump up sprayer to sensitive plants like tomatoes and some flowers, add 1 tsp. per 1 gallon of water. 

MyCorrPlus C applications may also be made with a watering can or a hose end sprayer at the teaspoon per 2 quart rate.

  1. One ounce is perfect for 1,400 sq. ft. foliar application
    (1 tsp. per 240 sq. ft.)

  2. An eight ounce bottle is enough 11,000 sq. ft., or a 1/4th of an acre per application.


Check this out!  We have an application for every budget.