Why does juicing for weight loss combined with a low carb diet work so well? Because if your body doesn't have carbs to burn as energy, it is more likely to burn fat, and that is what weight loss is all about!
A low carb juicing diet offers the body a rich supply of nutrients and hopefully all important trace minerals, plus it helps the body to detox. For even faster weight loss, include these ingredients in your juice.
You lose weight, plus you not only feel healthier, you are healthier. Does it do anything to help with feeling hungry? Yes! Since your body has the nutrients it needs, you have less cravings.
I have cut way back on breads, rice, pasta, potatoes and sugar. Doing so forces my body to unlock its stored fat energy.
This is why juicing for weight loss combined with a low carb diet works when many other weight loss programs don't. We are not short-changing our bodies of nutrition, just energy. To get that energy, our bodies burn fat!
We can then choose whether to drastically cut carbs and lose weight fast, or to simply reduce carbs for slower weight loss.
Once you reach your desired weight, it is so easy to shift into a maintenance diet by simply adding in the carbs that are needed to maintain that weight.
Certain carbs are loaded with nutrients, others have very few. Carbohydrates without nutrition are basically empty calories.
So why do we eat them? Empty carbs that are doctored up can be quite delicious. However, the following nutritious carbs can also be quite tasty.
So whenever possible, I substitute sweet potatoes for white potatoes, brown rice instead of white rice, brown bread made from freshly milled wheat instead of white bread (no white bread tastes as good as this homemade bread), and I replace white sugar with raw sugar.
White bread, rice, potatoes and sugar are loaded with carbs, but don't contribute many nutrients, while the brown varieties are loaded with nutrients. In fact, it has been said that sweet potatoes are an almost perfect vegetable. Add in some walnuts, and you have a nutritional package complete enough to live on.
That's why I have a large place in my garden for sweet potatoes. It is so much better to eat sweet potatoes in place of white potatoes when a person is juicing for weight loss!
The one drawback of burning fat on any diet is that many times the fat we are trying to get rid of is filled with toxins. When the body becomes frustrated in its attempts to expel toxins, it stores them in fat tissue to keep the toxins from harming the body.
So as you burn the fat, you release the toxins. It is therefore important to make sure that your body's elimination systems are functioning well. The good news is, juicing for weight loss helps to facilitate the elimination of toxins.
The release of toxins is one of the reasons why it is preferable to lose weight gradually. By including detoxing veggies, like dark greens, in your vegetable juice, they will help to latch onto these toxins and carry them away.
One of the best ways I know to keep the bowels functioning normally is to take a teaspoon of Ionic Sea Minerals each day. I do, and just like clockwork, each day I have a soft bowel movement.
In concentrated form, the minerals don't taste good, but the taste can be masked with grape juice, lemonade or chocolate milk. I personally mix a total of a teaspoon of sea minerals into my two or three 7 ounce servings of juice each day, and hardly know that the minerals are there.
In fact, when half a teaspoon of sea minerals is added to a quart of vegetable juice, it seriously improves the flavor of the juice, making it sweeter and more mellow.
Not only do the sea minerals help with regularity, they also provide a complete spectrum of trace minerals. The majority of people I have spoken with who have tried them say that within a week they see an increase in endurance, or in energy levels.
One possible
reason for this is that Ionic Sea Minerals give
the body over 100% of the US RDA of magnesium.
has many benefits, one of which is to help the
body collect and transport oxygen.
Gradually losing weight by juicing and cutting back on carbohydrates is such a great way to lose weight. The juice helps you to feel satisfied when you drink an 8 oz. glass before each meal (I thin mine down with water), and it gives you the nutrients and detox mechanism you need for losing weight.
For me, the weight came off at around 1/2 pound a week. It wasn't fast, but it was steady. Five pounds every 10 weeks of permanent weight loss is a wonderful thing. Give it a try, and see why low carb diets are gaining such popularity. It is because they work! And juicing for weight loss makes them work so much better!
Juicing for weight loss is always better when the vegetables that you are juicing were grown in a healthy vegetable garden. Having your own garden is the best way to juice the freshest vegetables, vegetables that are rich in biophotons.
When you grow your own vegetables for your juicing for weight loss, it can make a substantial difference in your health. This is especially true when your garden fertilizer contains sea minerals.
I hope that a low
carb diet together with juicing for weight loss
will help you to lose the weight you need to
lose, and to live a healthier life.
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