that is Rich in
microbials and nutrients
The reason behind compost tea is that we
want to grow nutritious vegetables and fruit,
full of needed trace minerals.
Here is a recipe for compost tea that is
nutrient rich and microbe diversified, to help
you grow incredibly healthy plants.
Although it is not necessary to include all of
the following ingredients, each one adds its own
array of nutrients or microbials.
CLICK HERE for details about each of
the following components.
The following is
a recipe for
a 5 gallon
compost tea maker
Base components
Other ingredients
2 cups of fungi food
1 cup of raw, unpasteurized milk
1 cup fish emulsion
½ cup humic acid
Optional ingredients
1 pint human urine (a good Nitrogen source)
1 cup liquid or dried kelp
1 cup dolomite lime (or Hi-Cal
lime for clay soils) to provide calcium
Fungi inoculant
days before brewing your tea,
mix some fungi food (like powdered oatmeal) into
1/2 gallon of moist compost, cover it, then
store in a warm, dark place.
you are ready to brew your tea, your compost
will be covered with strands of fungi.
This will
inoculate your tea with beneficial fungi.
Adding your ingredients
Start with 3 gallons of water. Pour in the
liquid ingredients and stir.
Dilute your
molasses in a pint of water
before pouring it in your bucket. Unless you
thin it down it tends to just sink to the
your dry ingredients, you may either put them in
a nylon stocking or gunny sack and suspend it in
your bucket, or stir the dry ingredients
directly into the water.
Oxygen is important
In this
recipe for compost tea, oxygen is a vital
ingredient. If you try to make your
compost tea without pumping air through it, it
will probably go anaerobic, and stink. We want
to keep our compost tea aerobic.
Turn your bubbler on, and
let the
oxygen bubble up through your tea for 2 to 3
days. You will see a froth form in the
top of the bucket. This is a good indication
that the bacteria are multiplying!
Once your tea is brewed, try to
use it within a day. Once the bacteria’s
food source is exhausted, they will go dormant
or die.
Compost tea can be a valuable contribution
to a garden. However, I believe that even more
can be accomplished, and quite economically,
the right soil conditioner. Check it out!
Click here for more tips on gardening. Happy
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Make Compost Tea