There are
numerous benefits of organic micronutrients.
Good sources of organic micronutrients are rock dust, humic acids, kelp, fish emulsion and liquid and solid sea minerals. These trace mineral micro-nutrients are incredibly important to our health.
Notice that three of the five sources mentioned above are from the ocean. And why not? The ocean contains all 76 minerals on the Periodic Chart of Elements at almost the exact ratios found in plant sap. The one difference is that sap has a higher percentage of magnesium than ocean water.
Although I use a lot of fish in my garden, I always increase the organic micronutrient density of the solution by adding concentrated sea minerals. In the research below, sea minerals, both liquid and solid, were used as the source of organic micronutrients.
Many people have reported that when they
started using sea minerals, their
problems almost disappeared. Of course,
organic micronutrients are NOT a pesticide. But
a healthy plant does have fewer insect problems.
First, concentrated sea mineral products are loaded with micronutrients, much more so than fish or kelp. When we supply plants with needed micro nutrients, they become much healthier. Did you know that the mission of sapping insects is to eliminate sick plants?
Second, sea minerals also contain magnesium, potassium and sodium needed to raise the CEC (cation exchange capacity) in the soil.
When magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium in the soil are out of balance, plants are forced to substitute hydrogen in their place. When this happens, the infra-red frequency emitted by the plant can rise to 650 or higher. This signal says to sapping insects, “dinner time”.
But according to Tainio Technologies, when a
plant has the proper balance of magnesium,
potassium, sodium and calcium, along with a good
balance of micro nutrients, its infrared
frequency is closer to 550, and sapping insects
no longer identify the plant as food.
Dr. Maynard Murray did significant research
with sea minerals and plant and animal health.
He documented his findings, which have been
published in the book, “Sea
Energy Agriculture, Nature's Ideal Trace
Element Blend for Farm, Livestock, Humans”.
In his many laboratory tests, mice and rats
were injected with carcinogens to produce
cancers, and rabbits were fed a diet that should
result in hypertension. Incredibly enough, most
of the mice and rats that were fed a diet grown
with sea minerals didn't
get cancer, and rabbit didn’t get
hypertension, while the control animals whose
diet didn't include foods grown with sea
minerals did. I believe that the good amount of
organic micronutrients in the test plants is
what made the difference.
Plants grown with the complete spectrum of
organic micronutrients generally yield better,
if the plant has adequate moisture. I have
seen yields improve by 10% to 20%, depending on
the crop, the growing environment, and
application rates.
A replicated study was done with the University
of Georgia on the
effects of a sea minerals on white mold and
another fungus. This study demonstrated
that peanuts fertilized with organic
micronutrients had less fungus (and greater
yields) than peanuts not fed with the sea
minerals. Trace minerals are not a fungicide.
However, when a plant is healthy it is better
able to fight off fungus.
Micronutrients are a good source of Magnesium. Plants
need magnesium for photosynthesis. Within a
matter of days after being sprayed with
concentrated sea minerals, leaves often turn a
darker, more even shade of green.
When the beneficial microbes in the soil
thrive, the soil becomes healthier, and plants
in turn become healthier. These microbes need
trace minerals, and thrive when they are
A friend of mine manufactures products that
increase the bacterial life in the soil. To
improve soil health, his goal was 1 billion
bacteria per square inch. However, the most he
could get was 400 million. Then he added sea
minerals to his product. Because trace
minerals are such a good food source for
bacteria, this enabled him to meet his goal of 1
billion microbes per square inch.
This is very important. Trace minerals all work
together. One trace mineral is necessary for a
plant to pick up another mineral. So if a
gardener just gives his garden a few trace
minerals, many times they will not be very
available to the plant, because it doesn’t have
other trace minerals needed to utilize it.
Therefore, when a grower loads his crops with Zinc to try and get more zinc into the plant, if it isn’t part of a balanced trace mineral application, his crop might not be able to utilize the zinc.
What do some growers do to try and get more zinc into the plant? They just keep applying more zinc, hoping their plants will pull it up. But what actually happens is that they get a zinc toxicity in the soil.
This in turn hinders the uptake of other nutrients. Giving your plants a BALANCED source of micronutrients is so very helpful to both plants and soil.
There are many trace minerals that are needed
only in small amounts by the plant, but if the
plant doesn’t have these trace minerals, it will
suffer. As mentioned above, organic
micronutrients from the ocean supply all 74 of
the naturally occurring minerals on the Periodic
Chart of Elements.
Actually, both sap and blood plasma have almost the exact same ratios of trace minerals as ocean water. Blood plasma has a little more iron than sea water, while sap has more magnesium.
While it is true that most of these 74 minerals have not been acknowledged by the USDA as being needed by plants, every few years enough evidence is gathered to suggest that another of these minerals may be beneficial. By giving a plant the full buffet of minerals found in the ocean, it is allowed to utilize the minerals it needs.
For good information about using organic micronutrients to grow a healthy vegetable garden, click here.
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