nutrient dense grass

Natural Treatments for Diabetes

In this article, Natural Treatments for Diabetes, I have included numerous links that you can click on to learn more about each point.

First, I suggest that you scan down this page to see what natural treatments for diabetes this page contains. Then come back and click on the links to expand your knowledge as you work to pursue a healthier lifestyle.

It is my prayer that soon your blood sugar and weight will be back in the normal range.



Believe it or not, exercise may be just as important as a change in diet in reducing high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

My advice is that you work hard to find an exercise that you enjoy. If you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick to it.

Although not a treatment as such, exercise ranks high in consideration among natural treatments for diabetes.



  1. Cut out white sugar, white flour, white rice, white potatoes, pastas and alcohol, and only consume limited amounts of raw sugar, brown bread, brown rice and sweet potatoes in their place.

  2. Eliminate high fructose items like sodas and fruit juices.

  3. Get rid of artificial sweeteners, which only add to the problem. The sweet taste of artificial sweeteners trigger the release of insulin, even though you aren't actually eating sugar.

  4. Lower uric acid by using liquid Stevia (powdered Stevia is bitter) and glucose (dextrose) when you need a sweetener. Another viable option is Monk Fruit extract. I buy mine on eBay.

  5. Stop eating processed foods, which are 90% of what are found in a grocery store and restaurants.  Replace these with home cooking, focused on fresh meats and vegetables, including 16 to 32 ounces of fresh vegetable juice a day.



  1. Drink 1 to 2 pints (or more) of fresh vegetable juice a day.  The best vegetables are those grown in your own garden.

  2. Include beneficial protein and fats in your diet.
  3. Get extra magnesium. According to Dr. Mercola, magnesium is helpful for lowering both blood sugar and blood pressure naturally.
  4. Bread that is baked from freshly milled wheat is healthy bread. If you are a diabetic but love bread, this may be your best option. Request a free CD to learn more. If you are gluten intolerant, enzymes may be able to help.
  5. Use Coconut oil as your cooking oil, plus make it a point to consume a total of 1 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil a day. The brain is the one organ that needs sugar as an energy source.  

    Coconut oil contains a medium chain fatty acid that the brain can utilize in place of sugar.  Since it can also help to promote weight loss, coconut oil is one of the natural treatments for diabetes.

    I get my coconut oil from Tropical Traditions. By using this link, first time orders from Tropical Traditions will receive a free book on Virgin Coconut Oil, plus I will receive a discount coupon for the referral.


Healthy food choices are very important among the natural treatments for diabetes.



  1. Sea Vegetables provide one's body with a wide scope of natural vitamins and minerals, and is the best nutritional substitute I know of. Taking this alone can result in substantial health benefits.
  2. Krill oil with Astaxanthin is great for eye health, and a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids so important to diabetics. Since krill oil also contains astaxanthin which promotes eye health, krill oil is definitely one of the natural treatments for diabetes
  3. Alpha Lipoic Acid
  4. Black cumin Two Grams of this Household Spice Lowered Blood Sugar by a Whopping 62 mg/dl.
  5. Ubiquinol (or regular CoQ10 enzymes if you’re under 35 years of age), especially important if you are on Statin drugs 
  6. Optimize your vitamin D3 level
  7. Probiotics which I find reasonably priced at TNVitamins.

    How about making your own powerful probiotics? For many years my wife and I have made our own kefir and Kombucha, which are both powerful probiotics. I believe that they do a much better job cultivating the flora in the gut than probiotics in pill form.
    - they contain more varieties of culture
    - they contain a higher count of bacteria 

Here are two videos I have made that tell how to make your own milk kefir and Kombucha.

It is my prayer that the above information will help you in formulating your own protocol for beating diabetes.

(Return from Natural Treatments for Diabetes to Explain Diabetes)
