Looking for some great mulch ideas?
I have tried
numerous mulches, including:
While each of the above mulch ideas has its benefits, Ramial Chipped Wood meets numerous criteria for a great mulch:
RCW contains most of the nutrients needed by your garden or landscaping plants. What it does lack are important trace minerals. I fill in this gap by applying concentrated liquid sea minerals. I have heard a lot of good reports from others who have used sea minerals. They report that it makes their produce much more delicious and nutritious.
On this web page you will find the following three mulch ideas for Ramial Chipped Wood
Also called deciduous trees, hardwoods generally make excellent Ramial Chipped Wood. As this RCW is broken down, it produces a stable and elaborate soil structure with a rich diversity of microfauna and microflora. Fungus feed on its lignins, producing long-lived humus, that gives great structure to the soil. Although animal manures, composts and green manures also create humus, it is a short-lived humus that will disappear in 1 to 3 years. Long-lived humus may be present for a thousand years.
1. Among the hardwoods, yellow birch, oak, beech, linden, ash and sugar maple, produce the highest quality soils. A mixture of these woods produce the best results.
2. Red maple and trembling aspen are less desirable.
3. Black walnut and cedar are poor choices, as they may adversely affect soil life. Bamboo is also a poor choice, as it may sprout, establish itself, and be quite difficult to get rid of. Cedar, Cyprus, redwood, eucalyptus, sequoia and black walnut wood chips may prevent certain plants from germinating.
Conifers, such as pine trees, cypress, and other
evergreens, make poor RCW. Up to 20% of RCW can
come from conifer trees, but no more. As conifer
lignins break down in the soil, they produce a
large amount of polyphenolics, which hinder
other plants from growing. Have you noticed that
little will grow under a pine tree? Their goal
is to hinder any competition. Conifer soils also
contain fewer varieties of microbes, just what
you don’t want in your garden.
The second of my mulch ideas is to get your RCW for free. Tree service companies and local utility companies are always looking for places to dump their wood chips. They chip up the small branches anyway, since it cuts down the number of trips they have to make to dump them. It costs money for them to dump at landfills, and they may have to drive miles to get to one. A few phone calls may be all it takes.
Another great way is to keep an eye out for a tree trimmer working in your neighborhood. When one showed up on our street, I asked one of the men if I could get a load of wood chips from them. He was quite happy to accommodate, and before I knew it I had a large pile of chips ready to haul back to my garden.
Offering the driver $10 to $20 a load can keep them coming back, or perhaps a gift of produce from the garden will do. If you need a lot of chips, if you provide a large area that is convenient and easy for them to get in and out of, then let them know that you will take all the chips they have, you may end up with a mountain of chips, since you have solved their chip disposal problem.
If you don’t need a full truckload of wood chips, some county landfills provide wood chips to county residents free of charge. If you have a source of small branches, another of the mulch ideas is to rent wood chipping equipment from a local rental place and chip your own. Smaller wood chipping machines can be purchased, but tend to be slow, plus are not made for extended use.
In a single year, one large tree can provide a tenth of a yard of wood chips. An acre of forest can yield from 5 to 10 cubic yards of chips. An acre of orchard can provide 1 to 5 cubic yards of chips. A 100 yard hedge of trees can produce about 1 cubic yard.
For other mulch ideas, check out my page that goes further into detail about various types of mulches. (mulch types) When you get a chance, please check out my home page, Healthy Vegetable Gardening.
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