nutrient dense grass

Immunizations and Autism

Is there a link between immunizations and autism? I believe that the evidence presented below is very much in favor that there is.

The link between immunizations and autism

When my wife and I learned of the movie called "Vaxxed" on the Daystar Television Network, we joined Amazon Prime just so we could watch it. We found it to be well worth the effort. If you like, you can click here to order a DVD of the Vaxxed movie, or you can rent it here.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drops vaccine truth bomb live on TV

On December 4, 2018, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dropped a truth bomb live on TV, defying Big Pharma and corrupt mainstream media by sharing real facts about vaccine safety.

Explaining to Tucker Carlson that this was only the second time he had ever been allowed to talk about vaccine safety on TV, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched into a powerful attack on the vaccine industry, comparing it to a lawless mafia state.

You can watch his interview with Tucker Carlson below.

The Vaxxed website

Here is a link to the Vaxxed website. One of the many things on that website is the following information:

These four requests are the main initial goals of the makers of the Vaxxed documentary and reflect what they feel is necessary to ensure safer vaccines.

The film calls for the following:

  1. That Congress subpoena Dr. William Thompson and investigate the CDC fraud.
  2. That Congress repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and hold manufacturers liable for injury caused by their vaccines.
  3. Since the combined MMR is causing such problems, they are requesting that 3 the separate, univalent vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella be made available immediately.
  4. That all vaccines be classified as pharmaceutical drugs and be tested accordingly.

Vaccine doctoral dissertation

A friend of mine, Dr. Tiffany Flock, wrote her doctoral dissertation on the topic, "Vaccines - Are They Worth the Health Risks or Not" has given me permission to put it on our website. Click here to read it.

Her paper's intent is to provide evidence of the extremely negative aspects of vaccinations that the FDA and CDC attempt to downplay, especially when the FDA issues statements saying they have considered all the ingredients in each vaccine, and they show no harm; but as more research is being conducted, there are indications that provide evidence of long-term damage to the body.


What can be done if you believe your child is showing signs of autism? Is there hope? Yes, there is. Click here to learn more.

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