MyCorrPlus Sea Minerals
"The Grower's Friend"
MyCorrPlus sea minerals truly are “the
grower’s friend”. I have been selling MyCorrPlus now
for 9 years, and my customers love it. I have 8
pages filled with testimonials from growers all
across the USA. On this web page these growers
share how MyCorrPlus enhances growth, flavor,
yields, nutrient density and plant health.
Click here to learn more about Gerry Amena's
Why is MyCorrPlus needed?
Why is MyCorrPlus such a great fertilizer?
To understand this, we need to understand the
trend in agriculture since the 1940’s. This is
when agriculture started fertilizing heavily
with chemical fertilizers.
Since then, valuable trace minerals
have been farmed and leached from soils. Today
most agricultural soils are missing important
and valuable trace minerals.
According to researcher Dr. Maynard
"Most crops utilize an average of 40
elements from the soil.
In no case do
fertilizers add more than 12 and most
commercial fertilizers add a maximum of six
Sea Energy Agriculture, pg. 69
The ocean is THE
ANSWER to this void in nutrients. It
contains every naturally occurring elemental
mineral and trace mineral that exist on earth.
MyCorrPlus is a concentration of these minerals.
One hundred gallons of sea minerals are
evaporated down to one gallon of dense sea
In this evaporative process close to
99% of the sodium precipitates out of solution,
leaving an incredibly dense micronutrient
solution. When this is applied to crops and
farmland, it meets a dire need for trace
minerals. Plus, the minerals in MyCorrPlus are
wonderfully balanced.
Bruce Tainio and Marc Tainio of Tainio
Technologies, in Washington State, did two years
of testing with MyCorrPlus.
Their conclusion was that it is a
nicely balanced product, with no mineral or
trace mineral out of balance. Because of the
positive results they have seen, they now
recommend our sea minerals to growers.
Enhanced flavor of MyCorrPlus grown foods
Perhaps one of the most notable
benefits of MyCorrPlus is how it enhances the flavor
of fruits, vegetables and even row crops. In an
article, Dr. Mercola confirms this. Here is what
some of our customers said about how MyCorrPlus
increases flavor in their crops:
- Stanfield, OR: “My wife said our
cherries fertilized with MyCorrPlus were the
largest, best tasting pie cherries we have
ever gotten off the tree. Plus our apples
and pears had a tremendous set.”
- Soldiers Grove, WI: “I used MyCorrPlus on my
apple orchard this year, and my apple cider
has never tasted this good. People are
raving about it, and paying me top dollar. I
can’t keep up with the demand.”
- Highland, WI: “Our Rhubarb is really
good, not nearly as sour. We didn't have to
use as much sugar when we cooked it up. Our
radishes without MyCorrPlus were a bit bitter,
but treated radishes were almost sweet. Our
onions weren't as strong, and were sweeter.
Our lettuce is mild tasting, and is
holding up better as it gets more mature,
without getting bitter when it gets hot out.
It is staying a better quality. A number of
people have already commented on how much
better our produce tastes.”
- Delta, OH. “Our garden is doing so good
with MyCorrPlus. It changed the flavor of the
broccoli. It is sweeter, and doesn't have a
bitter taste. The cucumbers and cabbage have
a more intense flavor.”
- Brookesmith, TX: “Last year we gave some
of our squash to an elderly woman in our
church. She has never mentioned anything
about the flavor of our squash. This year we
gave her some grown with MyCorrPlus.
Now at
90 years old, she said, ‘Let me tell you,
those squash are the best squash I have ever
eaten. I have eaten squash all my life and
these don’t taste like what you get from the
store. They were almost sweet. They were
I believe the reason that produce and
feed tastes better is BECAUSE it is more
nutritious. In fact, I did a study with MyCorrPlus
on wheat in Montana for 2 consecutive years.
Both years I sent the treated and
untreated wheat to a lab to have it analyzed.
Both years the wheat fertilized with 4/10 gallon
of MyCorrPlus at boot stage was significantly higher
in vitamin content. I had it tested for 5
It had a 11% to 34% higher vitamin
content, depending on the vitamin.
Next, we baked bread from both treated
and untreated wheat, then did a taste test.
People preferred the flavor of the treated bread
by 68%. Nutrition really does make a difference
in flavor.
Animals love MyCorrPlus grown food, too
I have numerous customers who have fed
their livestock with feed grown with MyCorrPlus, and
have seen a difference in how much their animals
enjoy it. Here are a couple of examples.
- Soldiers Grove, WI: “Our cows even have
noticed a difference. Fescue grass is
normally not palatable to my cows during the
summer months.
They will eat it in
the spring, or wait till it freezes to eat
it. I sprayed it with MyCorrPlus, and now they
are eating it pretty close down.
- Idabel, OK. “My neighbors buy my hay for
their horses. They say that their horses
always eat my MyCorrPlus hay first. They just
gobble it up.”
Improvement in Brix (nutrient level)
The brix reading of a plant measures
the solids in plant juices. The more solids, the
higher the sugar level and mineral density.
Generally speaking, the higher the brix, the
better the plant tastes.
- Brookesmith, TX: “Late in June I
fertilized half of a 25 acre field with ½
gallon MyCorrPlus, 1 gallon of fish fertilizer,
and ½ gallon of liquid calcium.
The average brix readings on the
non-fertilized area averaged 6.9. The
fertilized portion averaged 9.6. That’s a
39% improvement!”
- Highland, WI: “MyCorrPlus improved the
brix reading on my son-in-law’s alfalfa
field. It went from 8 to 12. Now that’s
nutritious hay!”
Healthier, more beautiful crops
Another thing that my customers have
noted is better growth of crops, and better
However, to be effective, I have found
that MyCorrPlus needs to be applied when the soil
has adequate moisture. We just didn't see the
yield increases in a drought setting like we did
when there was proper moisture.
My customers have said that MyCorrPlus
increases growth and yields in their crops:
- Pacolet, SC: “I have never grown
such beautiful collards as I grew this year
by adding in some MyCorrPlus.”
- Rocky Ridge, UT: “I am extremely
pleased with the large number of blossoms on
MyCorrPlus treated flowers in my flower garden”
- Apple trees in WA: “We have some
newly bearing apple trees that were a sickly
green color. They looked lousy. We sprayed
on MyCorrPlus and Fish fertilizer, and within
three days they had turned to a darker,
healthy green. They are now the best looking
new trees I’ve ever seen in my 30 years of
farming apples.”
Better quality vegetables
Better quality vegetables means a
better market. Even though MyCorrPlus growers tell
us that their yields increase, sometimes the
quality of their produce is even more important
to them.
Taylors, SC: “I applied a quart of
MyCorrPlus on my vegetable farm, then 2 weeks later
I applied a second quart. A week and a half
after the second application I noticed the
- Green beans put on extra blooms
- Cantaloupe blooms were larger. At
harvest time, the fruit was sweeter, larger
(better tonnage per acre) and a little
smoother, making it easier to sell.
- Bell Peppers yielded exceptionally well.
They were larger and smoother.
- Green Beans yielded an extra 15% to 20%
over the control, plus they were more
The most important difference I see
with MyCorrPlus is better quality and better looking
produce, since this makes it sell so much
Larger, more vigorous growth
One of the more common reports we
hear about MyCorrPlus is that it helps crops to grow
faster, taller, larger and better. Here are some
- Dushore, PA: “My cabbage is now 4
weeks old. The plants treated with MyCorrPlus
are 1 ½” taller than the non-treated, and
are a darker green, while the non-treated
are a pale medium green.
My treated
tomatoes are 1” taller, and have darker
green leaves than my non-treated tomatoes.”
- Soldiers Grove, WI: “I put calcium
on half of a field of fescue, blue grass,
clover and alfalfa, and two applications of
3/8 gallons of MyCorrPlus on the other half.
The half with the MyCorrPlus is now double
the thickness as the half with calcium.”
- Highland, WI: “I used MyCorrPlus for a soil
application and later as a foliar
application in my garden. The plants seemed
to be more vigorous. They really took off,
and outgrew the plants that didn't get the
- Whitesboro, TX: “I sprayed MyCorrPlus and
HumaTec on 4 acres of my friend’s hay. The
most he ever got off this ground was 8 JD
5’x6’ bales. This time he got 10 bales off
the 4 acres.
Even though it was late
in the year when grass normally has a bitter
taste, it tasted sweet. The cows really like
- Oberlin, KS: “I applied MyCorrPlus to my
tomato plants. They grew like gangbusters
with large, dark, glossy green leaves.”
- Taylor, NE: “The alfalfa I treated with
1/10th gallon of MyCorrPlus yielded better than
my other alfalfa by far. I think my cows are
in better shape, too.”
Protection from cold heat
Increasing a crop’s resistance to heat
and cold can keep crops from dying, and also
extend the length of time that crops can be
harvested. When a crop has a higher brix, it is
more resistant to extreme temperatures.
- Highland, WI: “My MyCorrPlus treated
tomatoes didn't die when it frosted, and I
had tomatoes till the first of November.
Everyone else’s tomatoes in the area were
I had two
zucchini that I thought were too big, and I
kept them on the back porch for 2 months.
Then I processed them, and they were still
I also saw
incredible shelf life for my rutabagas,
turnips, kohlrabi and cabbages. My cucumbers
and eggplant also lasted into November.
Everyone who bought this produce commented
on how good it tasted.
- Glen St. Mary, FL: “I raise acres
of vegetables for area grocery stores. July
4th is the longest I have ever been able to
keep collards, as they don’t like the heat.
It is now August 22, and I have younger
collards that are still coming.
This is amazing, considering the
fact that this year has been very hot (95 to
98 degrees F.). I believe it is the MyCorrPlus
that is helping my collards grow back after
each cutting.
MyCorrPlus is
the only thing I used on this new batch, and
on August 22 they are almost ready to be
gathered for the second time.”
Increase in yield
It seems that every farmer is looking
for a way to increase yields. After all,
increased yields means greater profitability.
My experience with MyCorrPlus is that when
there is adequate soil moisture, MyCorrPlus may pay
for itself 2 or 3 times over in increased
- Wiggins, CO: “I was concerned that
MyCorrPlus might be snake oil, so I tried
misting it undiluted on a few bean plants.
To my surprise the leaves turned about 3
shades darker green.
Next, I put 3
applications of MyCorrPlus and C4 on my sugar
beets, and they made an incredible 12 ton
per acre. I believe MyCorrPlus helped to make
that possible.”
- Sylvester, GA: “I saw really good
results from using MyCorrPlus on my vegetables.
I actually picked my snap beans 5 times, and
they produced exceptionally well. I have
never seen this high of a yield before.
My okra is really growing and yielding
great, and my cabbage made a fine head. My
cabbage was better quality and it yielded
better than any cabbage I have ever had.”
- Liberal, MO: “I sprayed my green beans
with MyCorrPlus, and they didn't want to
quit yielding.
Then on the
section of a field of soybeans that I
sprayed with 2/10th gallon of MyCorrPlus on at
pod set I got 80 to 90 bushel yield,
compared to the rest of the field that
averaged 63 bushel.
The beans in
this field were some of the best soybeans
around, but the beans sprayed MyCorrPlus
were outstanding.”
- Water Valley, KY: “I applied 1/10th
gallon per acre MyCorrPlus after tiller, then
another 4/10ths gallon per acre at boot on
my wheat.
I saw a visible
difference between the test and
control sides of the field. The MyCorrPlus
portion of the field yielded 10% to
15% better than the portion of the
field without MyCorrPlus.”
Benton, MT: “We tested 3 application
rates of MyCorrPlus on wheat, plus a control as a
- 1/10th gal./acre. Negligible increase in
protein, no increase in yield, but higher
test weights.
- 2/10th gal./acre. Increase in both
protein and test weights, plus 10% increase
in yield.
- 4/10th gal./acre. On this test we saw:
Test weight: Control
was 60#, MyCorrPlus was 61.6#
Protein: Control averaged 11%, MyCorrPlus averaged
Yield: Control was 38
bushel/acre, MyCorrPlus was 44.6 bushel/acre
Larger sized produce
For a vegetable shopper, larger vegetables
can really catch your eye. For the
grower, larger vegetables means greater profits.
These growers can attest that MyCorrPlus has helped
increase the size of their produce.
- Senoia, GA: “I applied ½ gallon of
MyCorrPlus per acre in a foliar application.
Within a month I started harvesting. I have
never seen such large peas.”
- Battle Lake, MN: “I had incredibly large
head lettuce. One head weighted 2 pounds.
People couldn't believe that my beets
and tomatoes did so well.
I normally
lose about 25% of my tomatoes to wilt. This
year I didn't lose any tomatoes to wilt.
Look at the size of my green peppers,
onions and broccoli.
Better Coloration and Health
Better plant health means less disease,
less insect pressure and therefore better
yields. Healthier crops also mean spending less
money on poisons to address health problems.
- Sharpsburg, GA: “I bought MyCorrPlus
and C4 from you after I had been
having problems with our corn and peppers.
The corn was turning a pale yellow
and the peppers leaves were curling and some
were falling off. I did a foliar application
of MyCorrPlus and C4.
a few days I could see the leaves on the
peppers starting to flatten out. After a
week, the color started coming back, and I
started seeing new growth.
My corn and peppers look much better
now, very hardy and vigorous. I am now
spraying these products on everything I
- Perry, IA: “I applied 1/10th
gallon of MyCorrPlus to my non-GMO soybeans at
bloom, and saw a 4 bushel increase over the
control to 35 bushel per acre. The leaves
were a deeper, nicer green.”
- Dawson, GA: “I have used MyCorrPlus
for 2 years now. I only put out 4 to 6
ounces per acre on my peanuts, cotton and
corn, but I believe even that amount is
making a difference.”
Better shelf life
What good is beautiful produce if it rots
before customers can buy it? Long shelf life
means less loss to spoilage, and a larger window
to sell them.
- Liberal, MO: “My potatoes that I
fertilized with MyCorrPlus did really well, and
lasted a lot longer than usual in my
- Rocky Ridge, UT: “The shelf life of
our lettuce doubled or tripled. Our
customers noticed the increase in flavor.
Even through a hot spell, our lettuce tasted
- Corvallis, OR. “Our blueberries are
sweeter, they have a longer shelf life, and
are a better quality.”
Less disease
Here is another one of the benefits of
sea minerals. They provide trace minerals needed
to help a plant fight back against disease.
- Apple Trees in WA: I am convinced
that MyCorrPlus took the mildew out of my apple
trees. Where we didn't spray, the mildew
was definitely worse.
Also, I didn't have to spray
for Aphids, even on the young trees, this
- Chattanooga, TN: “I selectively
sprayed about 1/3rd of my walnut trees with
MyCorrPlus in July.
We had
a SEVERE drought this year. The leaf drop,
which normally occurs the first part of
September, is significantly less in sprayed
In fact, the
sprayed trees are still bright and green as
compared with the unsprayed trees. We plan
on spraying all 3,000 of our walnut trees
this next spring.”
- Perry, IA: “We got our tomatoes,
squash and cucumbers from the nursery but
forgot to plant them. When I found them they
were pretty much dead. But I injected 2 cc
of MyCorrPlus into the water and watered them,
highly structuring the water.
The vegetables came back to life,
and had the best taste ever, with no insect
damage or disease. They actually survived
till after the 2nd frost. I am very
impressed. Tomatoes were red all the way
“The hogs that
are drinking the MyCorrPlus water look great.
They haven’t been sick even with a hard
Less insect damage
Commercial growers rely on insecticides
to keep insects from destroying their crops.
Organic growers don’t have nearly as
many options to fall back on. I have had
numerous customers tell me that when they
fertilize with MyCorrPlus, their insect problems
diminish or completely disappear.
This isn't because MyCorrPlus is an
insecticide. Rather, it supplies nutrient needs
of the plant. A healthy, nutrient dense plant
doesn't draw insects like a nutrient deficient
- Taylors, SC: “I used MyCorrPlus last
year and again this year. Last year neither
my green beans or squash had any bugs. I
was surprised by that. They were actually
cleaner than our convention beans where we
used insecticide.
year we have had no insect damage at all.”
- Liberal, MO: “I sprayed my green
beans with 1/10th gallon of MyCorrPlus. I
normally have to spray 3 or 4 times w/
insecticide, but now have almost no
insect pressure.
Orange Trees
Our customers tell us that MyCorrPlus
really helps with the health of their trees.
This grower in Florida conducted tests on a
number of types of orange trees.
Sarasota County, FL: “On July 3 I
sprayed test trees with 8 oz./acre of MyCorrPlus.
Again on July 18 I sprayed the test trees with
3 oz./acre MyCorrPlus, mixed in 2.33 gal. of water
per tree.
Before spraying them, the trees looked
sickly, the leaves were spotted, and the
coloration was light green and uneven.
- Navel orange trees. After 1 week, trees
have leaf liquid drops on them, and leaf
color is a little better.
By the
second week the trees had a better color
then the control tree. The fruit also
seemed to have a darker green shade of
There is progress in the
health aspects of the tree: the change of
the chlorophyll color in the leaf, the
leaves have become a uniform color. Leaf
drop has stopped on the trees that he
8/23 The coloration of the
leaves is continuing to appear healthier
than the control, there are not as many
fruit drops, and the oranges are
definitely larger.
- Leachee tree. I noticed that fruit
colored up quicker, the tree got a new batch
of leaves, and they moved out of the petrole
block quicker.
I believe MyCorrPlus is
satisfying the tree with nutrients that it
didn't have before.
- A Minniola tree had green fungus on the
bark of the tree. I sprayed MyCorrPlus on the
fungus, but didn't see any effect on the
What did happen was that I
had overspray on a branch. Here the tree
seemed to force some new leaves,
enhancing the tree’s leafiness.
MyCorrPlus helps in so many ways. It truly
is the grower’s friend.
However, if MyCorrPlus is good,
Mycorrplus is even better! It not only
brings the nutrients of the ocean to the plant,
but also helps to restore balance to the soil!
Paul Schneider Jr., MyCorrPlus distributor, USA
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