nutrient dense grass

Compost Tea Recipe
For Three Special Compost Teas

The reason compost tea is so valuable is that it helps us to grow nutritious vegetables and fruit that are full of wonderful trace minerals!

From the choices below, you can choose the compost tea recipe that is right for you.

For the first two recipes, use a compost tea brewer, one that continually pumps air through the water while making tea. We want the aerobic bacteria that need oxygen to multiply, not the anaerobic bacteria.

Click here for instructions on how to brew compost tea.

Vermicast Tea


Earthworms are God’s gift to gardeners. Earthworms ingest earth, digest it, then excrete it. The excrement, called vermicast, is seven times richer than before eaten by the worm!

Earthworm castings contain plant nutrients, growth enhancing compounds, and beneficial microbes.

Gardeners have actually seen a 170% increase in plant growth from using vermicast tea, compared to plots grown without vermicast tea.

My compost tea recipe for making tea from worm castings uses a 5 gallon bucket, four gallons of water and 1/2 pound of vermicast.

Add in 4 tablespoons of unsulfured molasses, and two ounces of concentrated sea minerals, which are an excellent source of trace minerals, plus a food source for the bacteria.

An alternative to Vermicast Tea

You can get all the benefits of vermicast tea and more by simply using a high quality soil conditioner to greatly increase the number of earthworms in the soil.

Such a soil conditioner inoculates the soil with even more beneficial bacteria than vermicast tea. It also highly structures the soil.

A third benefit to this soil conditioner is that it causes the plant to sequester a great amount of sugars (carbon) into the soil. This is the fastest way to build high quality top soil.

Mushroom Compost Tea
